Support And Maintenance

Our Support & Maintenance Process

We offer Support and Maintenance for any technical glitches and bugs that might affect your system and you can manage your platform with any further inconvenience

Service Level Agreement

Whenever we take on a new project, our support team drafts an SLA (Service Level Agreement) which outlines the response time to check all your needs are attended.

Formal request

Upon receiving your support request, our first step is to understand the defect. to resolve the bug. For that we arrange a meeting with you to discuss the current state of your software,any recent changes made or any recent updates, error messages that could have played a role in the defect.


Once our technical team identifies the bug by using debugging tools, reviewing, and drilling down any code that accompany broken features and functions, our support team works to improve on any errors described in your support request.


We deploy our testing team to correct faults and reliability in your codebase. After we verify that all features and functions are stable and operating as designed in our test environment, and the solution is delivered successfully as per request, we ask for your sign-off before closing the request.

Support And Maintenance

We offer support and maintenance plans that account for expected and unexpected software issues across a range of devices and systems.